The Single Best Thing I Ever Did to Make Feeding My Kids Easier and BetterEat
There are a million ways feeding kids is hard. But we still make it TOO hard — on ourselves. I tried one small thing that genuinely changed that!
Oct 10, 2024
I’m a Mom of 4 — Here Are the 12 Go-To Recipes I Put In My Meal Plan That My Kids Actually EatEat
There's only one pasta recipe among these kid-friendly recipes, folks.
Aug 25, 2023
My Son Loves This Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe So Much, I Make It Twice a WeekEat
It's restaurant-good while also being wham-bam fast.
Jun 26, 2024
My Favorite No-Cook Meals for Super Hot Summer Days (My Kids Love Them)Eat
The "No-Cook Summer Supper" has become my specialty.
Jun 24, 2024
“Walking Tacos” Might Just Be the Perfect Summer Family Meal (They’re So Easy)Eat
I could easily serve this once a week and receive no pushback from my family, which is saying something.
Jun 23, 2024
5 Kid-Friendly Dinners You Can Make on the GrillEat
Serve them deconstructed if needed. And don't forget popsicles for dessert!
Jun 21, 2023
30+ Taco Recipes to Make for Dinner TonightEat
Any night - Tuesday or otherwise! - that involves tacos for dinner is bound to be a good night.
Jan 10, 2023
5 Quick Dinners That Start with Rotisserie ChickenEat
These five-ingredient meals will become instant family favorites.
Oct 5, 2022
10 Parents on The One Family Dinner Recipe That’s Always a HitEat
What to make when you need a winner dinner.
Jun 30, 2022
This Creamy Bow-Tie Pasta Is the Ultimate Comfort MealEat
It's smothered in sauce.
May 30, 2022
The Insanely Good Creamy Cucumber Salad I Keep Coming Back ToEat
It's a summer tradition I'll be feeding to my family.
May 23, 2022
My Kids Cheer for This Delicious Salad that Comes Together in MinutesEat
It’s green, it’s served on a single platter, it's super quick, and my kids request it. I mean, jackpot.
Apr 19, 2022
The Winter Minestrone Soup That Tastes Like a Cuddle in a BowlEat
The wholesome, savory flavors bring kids of all ages into the kitchen.
Jan 7, 2022
I Fill My Freezer with These Lasagna Rolls, and You Should TooEat
Your future self will thank you.
Oct 26, 2021
5 Cozy Big-Batch Dinners to Get You Through FallEat
You're left with plenty of leftovers for future dinners so you can get a reprieve from cooking.
Oct 24, 2021
The 14 Best Costco Items to Buy for Quick Family MealsEat
Buying in bulk can save you on groceries and make dinnertime easier, too.
Sep 5, 2021
If You Want to Get Your Kids to Eat More Veggies, This Is What You Need to DoEat
Getting kids to eat veggies is often a challenge. Pasta, rice, and bread are easy, but lots of kids shy away from the more complex — and healthy — stuff. I’ve been lucky with my girls: They mostly eat their vegetables (sometimes even with gusto!). Still, if they had a choice between cheese and crackers or spinach? Yeah, they’re going for the crackers.
Aug 21, 2021
These 12 Make-Ahead Breakfast Ideas Will Save Your MorningsEat
Bacon-and-egg hand pies, oatmeal breakfast bars, and so many more delicious and quick breakfast options for those busy mornings.
Aug 18, 2021
We Tried 8 Ways to Cook Corn and There Was a Clear WinnerEat
Sinking my teeth into a warm, buttery corn on the cob is the unofficial start of summer I look forward to all year long. The mere memory of its salty sweet flavor is what helps me get through the long, cold winters. But cooking corn on the cob is a lot easier said than done. Sometimes the kernels dry out and become tough, and sometimes they turn out undercooked and hard. It’s not as easy to cook corn on the cob as some people might think!
Aug 16, 2021
These Parents Found the Smartest Way to Deal with Picky EatersEat
Kids think it’s funny to mess with adults. It’s just the way of the world. They think it’s hysterical to prank call their parents, hide their grandparents’ remote controls, and hide from the teacher during roll call. They also think it’s adorable to not try new foods at the dinner table that they will willingly eat at the cafeteria at lunch. So, how are you supposed to get your kids to eat new things? I have a slightly sneaky way that actually works.
Aug 10, 2021
Trader Joe’s Just Leaked Info on New Summer Products and We Have the ScoopEat
As disappointing as it is when Trader Joe’s discontinues a favorite product, the one thing that makes up for it is finding out what took its place on the shelves. Every Trader Joe’s shopping trip is an opportunity to discover an exciting ingredient, packaged good, or some other surprise that will pique your curiosity.
Aug 4, 2021
The Best Thing I’ve Learned About Budgeting for CostcoEat
The last year of lockdowns (and beyond-the-norm grocery shopping that’s come with them) has taught me a few things about my shopping habits and my family’s food preferences. After discovering the supreme value of a second refrigerator and my kids’ deep abiding love of ramen, I’ve also come to terms with my love-hate relationship with Costco.Once an “event” to distract the kids on a rainy day, it’s now become a necessary, grin-and-bear-it activity.
Jul 31, 2021
Why I Make My Children’s Favorite Meal When They Are Being AwfulEat
The other day, I got phone calls from two out of three of my children’s schools. I’ve already violated their privacy enough, so I won’t divulge the content of those phone calls, other than to say no one had broken the law, but no one had won a prize, either. I was annoyed. More than annoyed, mad. Those phone calls made it hard for me to get back to work. Why, then, did I text them to ask what they wanted for supper? And why did I make exactly what they wanted?
Jul 31, 2021
I’m a Mom of 6 and This One Little Grocery Swap Saved Me $500 in a Single MonthEat
I didn’t grow up shopping at Aldi, the wildly popular grocery store that is known for great deals and fun products. In fact, it’s only in the last five years that the budget grocer has opened locations in Southern California where I live. While I used to shop a lot at Costco, I eventually started making the switch over to Aldi in 2016. It took me a few trips to get my bearings and learn the Aldi ways (yes, you’ll get your quarter back), but I’m a firm believer in it now.
Jul 29, 2021
We Grilled Hot Dogs 6 Different Ways and the Winner Blew Us AwayEat
A classic American summer wouldn’t be complete without long nights spent in the backyard chasing fireflies, making s’mores, sipping cooling drinks, and, yes, enjoying hot dogs fresh off the grill. When you’ve had a good grilled hot dog — juicy on the inside with a little char on the outside — you’ve experienced true savory bliss. But when you’ve had a not-so-good one — burnt, burst, shriveled, dried out, or undercooked — the letdown is huge.
Jul 28, 2021
7 Frozen Groceries from Costco I’m Buying on Repeat Right Now (They’re All Just $10 or Less)Eat
If there’s one section of Costco I never, ever skip, it’s the frozen food aisle. I can easily fill up my cart in that aisle alone. (The organic fruits! The vegetables! The breakfast foods! The treats!) In fact, I’m such an avid Costco freezer-aisle shopper, I’ve even purchased a separate chest freezer so that I have lots of extra storage at home.What have I been stocking up on lately? I’m glad you asked!
Jul 27, 2021
We Make $30K and Have Twins. Here’s What We Spend on Groceries.Eat
Name: ConstanceLocation: Winchester, MAAge: 38Number of people in household: 2 adults and two 5-year-oldsOccupation: Project AssistantHousehold income: $30,000 Grocery budget: $200 for two weeksGrocery stores of choice: Costco, Stop and Shop, and the farmers marketStop and Shop is just down the road from our house so it’s the most convenient location for us to buy groceries from.
Jul 25, 2021
You’re Doing It Right: Feeding Your KidsEat
I have been thinking for a long time about all the voices that tell us we’re Doing It Wrong in the kitchen. We wanted to bring you a column about the ways that you’ve actually been doing it right all along. My friend Cheryl Sternman Rule is bringing us this occasional dose of reassurance. — Faith More fruits, more vegetables, less processed food. Homemade, wholesome, whole family around the table.
Jul 16, 2021
A Week of Toddler-Friendly Dinners the Whole Family Will LoveEat
I still remember the sweet sense of victory I felt when I cooked one dinner that my whole family — including my toddler — adored and gobbled up. I’m still new to this, but have learned that feeding toddlers is tricky business that requires patience, understanding, creativity, and persistence. These days I put my meal-planning efforts into building a roster of easy dinners that my whole family enjoys.
Jul 11, 2021
10 Make-Ahead Family Meals for Busy SummersEat
Welcome to summer, where the sunshine keeps everyone outside until the last minute, it’s too hot to turn on the stove at dinner time, and everybody wants a quick meal so they can get back to playing. None of these things makes feeding a family easy in the hottest months, so it’s helpful to have some make-ahead meal ideas stashed away so you can cook dinner before the kids go to bed the night before, or maybe even over the weekend before work gets in the way.
Jul 10, 2021
Here’s How to Eat Well on Vacation Without Breaking the BankEat
Hitting the road with kids in tow? You are in for an adventure! After 20 years of motherhood, I know that vacationing with children is not without its challenges, but I’m equally convinced that it’s worth the effort. We’ve found that getting outside our comfort zone provides us with huge bonding moments.
Jul 9, 2021
The Very First Food You Should Teach Your Kids to CookEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. Ours is a breakfast-loving family, so by default we eat a lot of eggs. We’ve served them every which way: fried, scrambled, hard- and soft-boiled, poached, in quiches, in omelets, you name it.
Jul 6, 2021
Want Your Kids to Eat More Vegetables? Try Giving Them a Catchy New NameEat
Having a hard time getting your kids to eat vegetables? Hiding themThe first study compared the vegetable eating habits of elementary school students at five ethnically and economically diverse schools, where carrots were offered three ways: unnamed, named as a “Food of the Day” or named “X-Ray Vision Carrots.” When presented with a fun name, kids ate 66% of the carrots, compared to just 32-35% of the other carrots.
Jul 2, 2021
The Unexpected Game-Changer for Parents Who CookEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. Join us over on Instagram for more! As a food writer with shiny object syndrome, I’d always wanted a sous vide machine. But when my husband bought me one for Christmas when I was pregnant with our daughter, I was too nauseated to consider playing with it for months.
Jun 25, 2021
The Best No-Cook, No-Dishes (Yes, Really!) Summer MealEat
Easy to cook and beloved by kids, hot dogs are all too often passed over by the adults at cookouts. But hot dogs can make an exciting dinner for the whole family with just a little bit of planning and a few fun upgrades. This family snack board combines two grill-friendly recipes with store-bought basics for the ultimate backyard dinner. Serve it to celebrate the start of summer, the Fourth of July, camping at home, or just a really good Tuesday night.
Jun 17, 2021
How My Family Celebrates Juneteenth (and Our Favorite Foods to Eat!)Eat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. Juneteenth is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate. Juneteenth, or “Freedom Day,” marks the announcement of the ending of slavery in Galveston, Texas, in 1865. Widely celebrated in the U.S. and worldwide, it’s a perfect opportunity to share an important moment for African Americans with my two little ones.
Jun 14, 2021
The Magic Chocolate Chip Banana Cake I Couldn’t Get Enough of as a New ParentEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. My biggest adjustment in those first days motherhood, the moment I realized that my life was forever changed — was our first meal at home as a family. Our friends had come over, lugging enough Vietnamese takeout to feed us for a week. I was ravenous.
Jun 5, 2021
The Top 8 IKEA Food Items for FamiliesEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. It’s easy to miss the IKEA Marketplace after a long day of labyrinth-navigating and warehouse-picking.
May 27, 2021
The Easy Meal I Pack for Sports Nights with the FamilyEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. I can’t say I had a strong idea of what kind of parent I was going to be. Even as someone who loves a plan and a schedule, I went into this thing sort of like, “Well, I gotta wait to see what I’m working with!
May 12, 2021
The Essential Mealtime Skill I Learned as a New Parent During the PandemicEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. When I was growing up, every week started out with Monday Leftover Night. My parents called it “King’s Table Night,” named after a long-defunct buffet in their native Seattle.
May 12, 2021
The Perfect Easy Brunch Menu for Mother’s DayEat
It’s almost Mother’s Day and the world is still in transition. Some are beginning to see things slowly open up around them, while others remain hunkered down in quarantine. Yet the tradition of celebrating our mothers remains. It’s always been a sunny sort of holiday, and we think it’s more important than ever to lean into brightness.There’s no “usual” this year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t honor the mothers in our lives.
May 5, 2021
How Brunch Keeps My Busy Family Present — with Tips for Creating Your Own Brunch Tradition at HomeEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. The air hung hazy and filled the kitchen with the smells of caramelized onions and potatoes frying on the stove. We caught the whiff of caraway seed in the sausage links under foil keeping warm. My dad loved making brunch on Sunday.
May 5, 2021
This Alternative to Family Dinner Is Easier and Way More FunEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. We all know the drill: We should be having dinner with our families. That time together, we’re told, is key to unlocking everything from healthy family relationships to, well, health. As a childfree, busy food-and-spirits writer who made a big family change during the pandemic, I’ve thought a lot about this lately.
Apr 21, 2021
Easy One-Pot Mac and Cheese (with an Upgrade Parents Will Love Too!)Eat
When I was growing up, eating out usually meant going to an Asian restaurant or an American fast food joint. Our very rare visits to sit-down, non-Asian restaurant were big deals, and we mostly went to chain restaurants. One favorite was the Macaroni Grill, and I always ordered the exact same dish: salmon with a side of sun-dried tomato orzo pasta. I ordered it not because I loved the salmon, but because that orzo was just so delicious.
Apr 5, 2021
One Mom Shows You How to Prep for a Week of Freezer MealsEat
One of the smartest strategies for serving homemade meals all week long is already in your kitchen: It’s using your freezer. The trick is to stock your freezer with make-ahead meals that taste just as good upon reheating as they did the day they were made. The meals all freeze wonderfully, so take your pick between eating them all this week or popping one (or all of them) into the freezer for future dinners.
Mar 24, 2021
The Three-Ingredient Meal My Kids Beg ForEat
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids. Whenever I ask my kids if they have any dinner requests before I make our weekly menu, at least one of them will shout for “pesto pasta!” It’s one of those family recipes that has become a household staple, the kind of dish that I imagine they’ll always remember from their childhood.
Mar 17, 2021
Ask Maxwell: How Can We Make Our Dining Room Feel Like a Family Destination?Live
With all our meals happening at home, what can we do to make our dining space more inviting? We recently converted a small bedroom to our dining room, we eat all our meals there, with our 10-year-old and 7-year-old, and the space is so drab. With cold weather approaching here in Maine, we’d love for our dining room to feel like more of a destination in our house and not just a pass-through space.
Oct 29, 2020