I Never Thought I’d Love a $10 Mini Waffle Maker, yet Here We Are
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“It’s a waffle maker!” my son declared as he and his cousin tore into identical presents from their grandmother. A miniature waffle maker was not the gift I was expecting for a 7-year-old boy. My sister and I made brief eye contact over the chaos of wrapping paper and presents. Both avowed minimalists, a new, single-use appliance was not our idea of a wanted addition to our tiny kitchens. I was already imagining it in a “to-donate” box in a few months’ time.
When we got back home after the holidays, my son requested his first batch of mini waffles. I pulled the Dash Mini Waffle Maker out of the box for its maiden usage. For a $10 appliance, it worked surprisingly well: The iron got hot enough to create a crispy, golden crust on the exterior that was still soft when you bit into the waffle. The sensor light helped me cook the waffles evenly every time. And, well, those little waffles were awfully cute. When I was done, I tucked it into an empty corner of the drawer where we store our food processor — it took up no space at all.
Soon I was making mini waffles on weekdays because it really was so easy. And while the appliance itself is a one-trick pony, the waffles themselves have proved versatile: Leftover mini waffles also made boring ol’ peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into an exciting lunch offering, and when the waffles are topped with Nutella, they pass muster as dessert. My sister fell in love with it too, by the way, and was equally surprised to be won over by the Dash.
The only drawback to the Dash Mini Waffle Maker is that it produces small waffles, so you need at least four of them to feed a hungry kid, and it produces waffles more slowly than my child can eat them. My solution is to turn the toaster oven to its “keep warm” setting and work up a pile before handing off the plate to my son. But even with this workaround, I would absolutely recommend this product. The Dash Mini Waffle Maker would make a great gift for a kid of almost any age, and they have different shapes and styles, including a heart shape (so sweet for Valentine’s Day!) and a honeycomb pattern.
If you still think a tiny waffle-making machine sounds frivolous, you are not wrong — but there’s something joyful about those little waffles, and I am very happy this appliance came into my life.