
This Primary Bedroom and Nursery Combo Is Equal Parts Mature and Playful

Cullen Ormond
Cullen OrmondHome Associate Editor
Cullen Ormond is a writer based in New York City. When she’s not writing, you can find her curled up with a book (always open for recommendations, too!) or pushing her rescue pug, Peanut, in a stroller. In her dream apartment, there’ll be a conversation pit and lots of framed,…read more
published Feb 14, 2024
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white bedroom with wood bassinet/crib and white armchair with lots of warm hued and natural fiber accents
Credit: Anna Harp

Some parents decide to put their child’s nursery in their primary bedroom because of space limitations or by choice, just like this couple who created a nursery nook in their grown-up space. But even if you’ll be sharing your space with your kid, it doesn’t mean your room has to become childlike. Instead, it can be a beautiful blend of whimsical and mature. 

Take co-founder of The Harp Creatives, Anna Harp’s, shared bedroom in her cottage-like home in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Harp dreamed of living in this home since childhood, so they knew they’d be there for a while when the fateful day arrived that it became her and her husband, Jesse’s. The cozy home only has one bedroom, so she started planning to share a space with their future kid before they were born.

Credit: Anna Harp

How This Small Bedroom and Nursery Combination Works for Everyone

“I have been saving up vintage baby stuff for the room for a long time (even before I knew I was pregnant),” Harp wrote at the time of her house tour. “We wanted to find decor that was fun and childish but also suits our personal style.” 

So, when the couple found out they were expecting a baby (who they named Noble), they spent between three to four months reimagining their primary bedroom to include more kid-friendly touches.

Credit: Anna Harp

“For example, we have a teddy bear that we stuck a tiny Western hat on, vintage books, an old leather bomber jacket for him when our son is older hanging on the wall, a tiny wooden boat, and so many natural-history-inspired items,” Harp shared at the time of her house tour. 

Credit: Anna Harp

Being a content creator, Harp was given some larger pieces in exchange for social media posts, like Nestig’s Wave Crib, Namesake’s Crewe swivel recliner chair, and the one-of-a-kind vintage rug from Revival. Everything else for Noble’s space, though, was thrifted. The couple also painted Jesse’s childhood dresser green to house their son’s clothing. 

Before Noble was born (it’s been just over three months since!) Harp decorated his area with ideas and aspirations of who she dreamed he’d one day become — it turned out to be a mature, sentimental, and playful area.

Credit: Anna Harp

“I love how cozy it is! It is naturally very dim lit and we turn on the sound machine at night to play thunderstorm noises for our son,” Harp wrote at the time of her house tour. “There’s always plenty of old quilts and comfy pillows to go around, too!” 

If you love the neutral colors in Noble’s in his parents’ primary bedroom, you’ll love the cozy and calming atmosphere in the rest of the home. To see more, visit the full home tour on Apartment Therapy. 

Product List

  • The Wave Crib — Nestig
  • Crewe Electronic Recliner and Swivel Glider in Eco-Performance Fabric — Namesake
  • Rug — Revival