3 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Haunted House
While I was growing up, my house had two resident ghosts (that I know of for sure). I’d see them—shadowy human figures, tall and lean—running across the backyard or standing near the edge of the property. One night my mom and I heard shouting outside and saw the two shadow figures slam up against the door window, but when we went outside, nothing was there.
Living in a haunted house wasn’t scary. In fact, it added a bit of color to visits from friends and gave me some extra detail to share when people asked about my house. Nothing about it impeded my lifestyle. And that’s the case with most haunted homes.
“In most cases it is something that can be managed, just like anything else you might get on a home inspection report,” says Denver-based medium and tarot reader Sterling Moon.
Here are three reasons (aside from the spooky fun factor) why you should consider buying a haunted house—and one that might sway you against it.
You’ll probably save money
If a house is considered haunted, it’s also considered stigmatized in the real estate industry—which means you likely won’t pay top dollar for it. Unnatural deaths and alleged hauntings typically drop a home’s price by about 20 percent, according to homebuying advice site Real Estate Witch.
New friends lurk around every corner
Just think: with unearthly roommates around, you never have to be alone. And you might even enjoy having them there.
“Most places have fairly benign spirit activity and some people can even develop friendships with their household spirits,” Moon says. “Think of it this way: When looking for a new place to live, many of us have had the experience of walking into a place and immediately feeling a sense of ‘coming home.’ What if that feeling was partially due to a spirit that resides there? What if they were waiting for someone like us?”
It makes for interesting research
If you love history and research projects, a haunted house is perfect for you—assuming you want to know what’s behind the haunting. It’s like a puzzle, trying to fit together the pieces of the mystery that happened at your home. You can talk to neighbors who might tell you about previous residents, call the local police department about any past incidents at the home, or visit your local library or city archives for any historical information or newspaper articles. Plus, what better way to get to know your new neighbors and community than by talking with everyone and going through local history?
When might you not want to buy a haunted house?
In certain situations, buying a haunted house may not be the best idea for you. If walking into a space causes too much emotion to well up and it doesn’t go away as you look through the house, it might get tiring to live there. If it’s a house where owners never stay long, there might be toxic energy that might benefit from a visit with a medium.
“It can be difficult for sensitive people to distinguish one’s own thoughts and emotions from those of a resident spirit,” Moon says. “Children and teenagers in particular can be very sensitive to spirit activity. I would not advise that folks with younger kids purchase a haunted house if they can help it.”
This post originally ran on Apartment Therapy. See it there: I Grew Up in a Haunted House. Here Are 3 Reasons Why Buying One Is a Great Idea