How to Make a Halloween Candy Chute for Trick-or-Treaters
Earlier this summer when it became clear that Halloween would look a lot different this year, crafty parents began to brainstorm a way to save the annual trick-or-treat tradition—and the socially-distant candy chute was born. We first spotted the idea through YouTubers Jaimie and Jay of The Wicked Makers, but quickly the concept exploded with dozens of DIY ideas across the country (Google “candy chute” and you will be amazed at the creativity).
Cubby wanted to offer its own spin on the candy chute—something that would be easy enough for a busy, COVID-weary parent to make (no power tools required), festive enough to draw a smile, and not too spooky, so little kids would be happy to hold their plastic pumpkin up to receive their loot (no creepy skeleton heads here!). Here’s how to make an easy candy chute, which attaches to your railing.
This piece was created for Cubby, our weekly newsletter for families at home. Want more? Sign up here for a weekly splash of fun and good ideas for families with kids.
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How to Make a Candy Chute for Trick-or-Treaters
All of the supplies can be ordered online for relatively little money (no hardware store trip necessary).
what you need
- Two 3 or 4- x 36-inch mailing tubes
- Black paint
- Paintbrush
- Plastic bugs
- Spray paint
- Hot-glue gun and sticks
- Black duct tape
- Black zip ties
- A stair railing
how to make it
Step 1: Paint the mailing tubes black. Let dry. If needed, add a second coat and let dry again.
Step 2: Spray paint bugs in various colors. Make sure to cover the surrounding area to protect from overspray. We like to spray in a cardboard box to help contain the paint.
(Pssst! If you are pressed for time, you can skip this step; the unpainted bugs will also look great.)
Step 3: Hot-glue the painted bugs along the tubes, either in an all-over random arrangement, or in a line. Leave the ends free from bugs, so you have a clear space to connect the tubes together.
Step 4: Connect the two tubes. Duct tape the tubes together. Hot-glue on more bugs at this point, if you notice any blank areas.
Step 5: Attach the tubes to your railing with zip-ties. Tighten zip ties around at least four points of the tube along your railing. (We used two 11-inch zip ties together to wrap around tube and railing.)
On Candy Chute Safety
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have advised against traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating. To make sure your candy chute is as safe as possible, wear a mask and keep at least six feet away from your trick-or-treaters. (It wouldn’t hurt to post a sign near your slide that says “No masks? No treats” to remind your visitors to stay safe.) Thoroughly wash your own hands with soap and water before delivering candy and keep a bottle of hand sanitizer nearby, to re-sanitize before each trick-or-treater, and instruct kids to hold their bucket or bag up to the chute, so they don’t need to touch the tube.