This $14 Amazon Find Solves a Very Specific But Annoying Problem, and It Might Be My Favorite Organizing Purchase Ever
If there’s one thing I have too much of in my closet, it’s hats. Specifically, baseball caps. If you have kids, you may understand. I’ve attempted to organize these hats for years, but haven’t found a method I’ve liked enough to stick with it. Lining them up in a basket or stacking them in a hanging sweater cubby would function okay for a while, but never lasted. The order I’d put them in would get jumbled as I had to shuffle through to find the right one. And more so, the bin would always be too high to reach for regularly and I eventually had to give up the cubby to gain more hanging space.
There are some great closet organizers out there, such as shelf stands, over-the-door racks, and wall hooks. The problem that I have with these is that they take up a considerable amount of space. If you have one or two hats and walk-in closet shelves, stands would look fab. But realistically, many of us don’t have enough room for that. I’m fortunate to have a fairly good-sized closet now (as a former New Yorker, this is a big deal) but there is no blank wall space and I don’t want to constantly see my hats lining the back of the door.
So my discovery of this particular product got me excited — and as a professional organizer, that’s major news. Enter this hat hanger from Amazon. I’ve seen a few variations of the idea, including add-on clips that you can attach to your hangers. But there was something about this chrome design that I liked most and it blended in with the aesthetic of my closet.
It’s a single and sturdy hanger that includes 10 clips to attach your hats to at the top. The notches keep them equally separated, which also makes this a good tool to use if you’re washing and drying hats. It can also be used for winter beanies and gloves if you want to pop one in the coat closet. Because the hats line up vertically, the whole thing takes up minimal room on the rod and makes it so easy to retrieve and return them.
I tried one to start and hung the hats I use the most often (shoving the others in a bin temporarily). I sorted by color, but you can try clipping the ones you wear frequently front and center. It’s been a while and I haven’t noticed any wear or tear from clipping them at the crown, nor do I see myself ever organizing my baseball caps another way. Oh, and yes, I will be ordering a second one soon.
This post was originally published on Apartment Therapy. Read it there: This $14 Amazon Find is a Game Changer in My Closet — and It Might Be My Favorite Organizing Purchase Yet